Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ten steps to a healthy new you

As outlined in Medical Notes by Dr Mark Porter in todays Evening Standard.

1. Broaden your mind - do something completely different.
Trekking in Africa next month is pretty unusual.

2. Worry less about your weight and more about your shape.
This is about losing intra-abdominal fat.

3. Run for charity
Well, I'm trekking for charity

4. Identify any problems in your life, face them, and take action
Am doing

5. Join a Pilates class
OK will do

6. Have your blood pressure and cholestorol level checked
Did it 3 weeks ago

7. Quit smoking
Not relevant!

8. Take the right supplements
Not sure about this one. But a Brazil nut once a day can help. Rich in selenium.

9. Cut back on salt
Will do

10. Treat yourself to a regular massage
Frequently do. Ask for Eva at "Sheline" in St Johns Wood


Anonymous said...

Hey best of luck with the trek.

What a fantastic thing to do.

Just read these steps to a better you.

Have no Pilates classes in this part of the world so will have to just try and sit more upright at my computer chair.

The quitting smoking I plan to attack as from Monday.

As for the rest. I'm trying.

Anonymous said...

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