Sunday, March 04, 2007

Maasai Dancers

Picture above was taken at the "sunken crater" camp on the Wednesday evening of our Trek. Onesmo, our chief Maasai guide, organised for some of his friends to pop along and entertain the gang. That they did superbly. Very exciting stuff. I'm almost sorry I didn't take a video camera for the occasion. Later that evening the crew thought it would be fun to go out and check to see if we could come across any game. After driving in the pitch black for about an hour, herds of wildebeest and zebras were caught in the headlights of the two jeeps. Themba was driving one and "Mr Chris" the other. Both nearly killed a jackal and Thompson's gazelle each and frightened the living daylights out of the rest of the wildlife who had the temerity to come out after dark. But the animals nearly had their revenge. Both drivers got completely lost on the return journey( could have been no more than a mile) and narrowly avoided tipping into that sunken crater. That would have been instant death for us all!
That crater really is a site to see. The bottom of the crater is cultivated by Maasai farmers. We did never quite work out how they got in and out of it!


Unknown said...

Hello, glad everyone remained safe. I came looking for the bird pictures you told me about...

Anonymous said...

It sounds incredible, lucky you.

Fi said...

Sounds like an amazing experience.

Kimberly said...

Wow, what an experience you had! Thank you for sharing it with us!